Maybridge screening and fragment libraries are designed to help you accelerate drug discovery. For over 50 years, Maybridge, a part of ThermoFisher Scientific, has been at the forefront of innovative screening compound design, fueled by the desire to access novel molecules of pharmaceutical interest and understand the needs of the drug discovery scientist.
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A ready-to-screen collection of 52,160 Maybridge Screening compounds in dry film format, the compounds are of minimum 90% purity and pre-plated as 1μmol dry films in 96-well plate format, offering exceptional diversity and outstanding value. Immediate re-supply is available on the majority of the compounds.
HitFinder Compounds are selected from the Maybridge Screening Collection using a clustering algorithm employing standard Daylight fingerprints with the Tanimoto similarity index. All compounds fit Lipinski guidelines for “Drug-likeness”, and all have purity greater than 90%. Each plate represents a unique sample from this selection. A mini HitFinder, a good starter for discovery programs, is available with 2,000 diverse compounds.
The pre-plated HitCreator represents the diversity of a 550,000 compound library distilled to 14,000 molecules, providing ultimate coverage of drug-like chemicals in a single library.
Select any combination from 30,000 chemical fragments to accelerate structure-based lead identification. Fragment screening is the method of choice in the quest for rapid identification of new lead molecules in drug discovery.
The Maybridge Screening Collection is a highly diverse set of over 53,000 hit-like and lead-like molecules widely acknowledged as a critical tool in screening campaigns. Selected compounds from the collection are available in pre-plated formats, such as 1μmol dry films in 96 well plates or 0.25μmol in 384-well microplates. Stock is available for follow up work when required.
In addition, the Maybridge Fragment Collection of 30,000 chemical fragments that accelerate structure-based lead identification, featuring the Maybridge PAINS Free Fragment Library, as well as Bromo-, Fluoro-, and Pre-Fragment collections.
For more information or to place an order